global Tax
How Do I Reduce My Tax Rate on Export Sales?
April 08, 2011How do I set up and operate an interest charge domestic international sales corporation (IC-DISC) that help me reduce my tax rate on export sales?
Q. How do I set up and operate an interest charge domestic international sales corporation (IC-DISC) that help me reduce my tax rate on export sales?
A. Setting up and operating an interest charge domestic international sales corporation (IC-DISC) can reduce the tax rate on qualifying export sales by up to 20 percentage points. An IC-DISC’s tax-savings power is derived from the current 15% tax rate on qualified dividends. Businesses that could benefit should consider creating an IC-DISC sooner rather than later because, without additional Congressional action, this tax rate applies only through 2012.
Read more on operating an interest charge domestic international sales corporation from our tax services group now.